These nylon slings from Lyon are 25mm wide and are great for using between components of rigging apparatus. These slings can be used as temporary anchor points in some situations but should not be used around hard corners or abrasive surfaces. They are also harder to inspect when used as an anchor point and these slings should be checked for wear every time they are used. Please consult an experienced rigger if in doubt and always work within the manufacturer's recommendations.
These slings are also a possible alternative to daisy chains when hanging aerial yoga hammocks if you do not need the ability to adjust the hammock's height.
This sling also comes in a thinner, 18mm width.
Choose lengths ranging from 20cm to 150cm. BLL: 30kN
- 20cm: 30g
- 30cm: 39g
- 50cm: 56g
- 100cm: 98g
- 150cm: 148g
Manufacturer - Lyon
Country of Manufacture - France
Working Load Limit - No
Breaking Load Limit - 30kN
CE - Yes
EN Certification - EN 566
UIAA certification - No
Material Type - Nylon
Weight - No
Weight Load Tested In The UK, Made To European Standards.
Country of Manufacture - France
Working Load Limit - No
Breaking Load Limit - 30kN
CE - Yes
EN Certification - EN 566
UIAA certification - No
Material Type - Nylon
Weight - No
Weight Load Tested In The UK, Made To European Standards.